Author name: Peter

Update – September 2022

What’s been happening? As you will see, many years have passed since I last wrote about the updates to my family history website. Nonetheless, my research has continued, off and on, during this time, although it is becoming progressively more difficult to find more family links. Fortunately I still have interest in the website, particularly […]

Update – September 2022 Read More »

Update – 11 March 2013

Another Year Gone! Can it really be over 12 months since I last updated ‘Brighton & Beyond’?  Well, actually, no!  I have made various changes and updated information on the web site during the course of 2012 but many of the alterations have been minor additions or corrections,  or have resulted from changes in the

Update – 11 March 2013 Read More »

Update – 4 January 2012

Happy New Year A very Happy New Year to everyone.  I hope that 2012 will be all that you want it to be. While others have been stuffing themselves with turkey and mince pies, I have been slaving away over my computer updating the web site.  (With the occasional mince pie, chocolate ………. !!) New

Update – 4 January 2012 Read More »

Update – 20 December 2011

Happy Christmas 2011 And just to get you in the mood – click here to try the Christmas Quiz! Definitely no prizes, but some of the questions might get you thinking while you are eating that next slice of Christmas cake or wondering where you put the spare bulbs for the Christmas tree lights. We

Update – 20 December 2011 Read More »

Update – 21 October 2011

What’s been happening? As winter looms large and the demands of golf and gardening recede, I am once again getting in to the annual swing of my family history research.  In preparation for adding new information I have been making a few changes to the web site – some are purely cosmetic and for ‘fun’,

Update – 21 October 2011 Read More »

Update – Sunday 6th March 2011

Thomas Cowley (1830-1890) Thomas Cowley was the eldest son of Francis Cowley (1806-1881), the baker who took over the business in Pool Valley, Brighton from the Streeter family.  Thomas also became a baker with his own business in Western Road, Brighton.  This was obviously a very successful venture as, when Thomas died, his estate at

Update – Sunday 6th March 2011 Read More »