Update – 4 January 2012

Happy New Year

A very Happy New Year to everyone.  I hope that 2012 will be all that you want it to be.

While others have been stuffing themselves with turkey and mince pies, I have been slaving away over my computer updating the web site.  (With the occasional mince pie, chocolate ………. !!)

New Pages

The following new pages have been added to the web site (click on the highlighted links) –

New ‘Home‘ page – the feedback that I had was that the last version was somewhat annoying, and I agree!!

From Thomas Cowley (1830)‘ – Thomas was the 5th of the ten children of William Cowley and his wife Jemima.

The Cowley Family – Dairymen & Farmers‘ – some of the history of the Cowley farming activities and some superb photographs of family ancestors.

Names Indexes

All the names indexes have now been updated.  More detailed information is available on the family tree pages for names that are highlighted in red in the indexes.

The indexes now contain the names of 143 Cowleys and 192 other people.

Family Tree Pages

You will see new symbols on the family tree pages where there is additional information available for an individual.

The information symbol indicates additional biographical data or research notes, and the camera symbol indicates that there are photographs available when you click on the name box.  A lot of new detail has been added for various people and much more will follow during the coming months.

Seeing the Updates

IMPORTANT: Please read the ‘Technical Notes’ section to ensure that you know how to see the most recent updates to the web site.  (Click on the menu at the right hand side of this page.)

Tell me if something is wrong!

Please tell me if you see anything that is incorrect on the web site or if you encounter any technical problems.  Those of you that have my e-mail address can contact me direct, or you can use the contact form on the web site.

A Huge ‘Thank You’

I have said many times that this web site would not be the success that it is without the valuable contribution made by the many people who send me information about their ancestors and without all the wonderful photographs that I have received.  According to the statistics provided by my web host, the site received over 190,000 ‘hits’ during 2011 – the highest figure yet since I started the site in 2008.

Thank you all for your continued support.  Please keep those memories coming.