Update – Wednesday 28 July 2010

Loads of new contacts

The web site continues to attract visitors from all over the world and many people have made contact with me during the past few months.  The site is attracting an average of around 6000 hits per month which pleases me enormously.  It makes all the hard work of maintaining and updating the site worthwhile.

Amongst the most recent contacts are two sisters who descend from the Marshall line – second cousins that I didn’t know existed until just a few days ago.  I am looking forward to exchanging loads of information with them.

What’s new and what’s cooking on the Cowley Family web site?

The descendants of Amy Bertha Cowley have been added to the web site – the information was kindly supplied by Austan Henderson.

And ‘what’s cooking?’  Maybe that should be ‘what’s milking?’  There is undoubtedly a link from my published family tree to the Cowley dairy farmers of Ovingdean at Black Rock farm.  I just have one link to prove ………. but how many times do we say that in our family history research!

‘Rottingdean Through Time’ by Douglas d’Enno

Earlier this year I came across this wonderful book – ‘Rottingdean Through Time’ – written by Douglas d’Enno.  It is a magnificent collection of ‘then and now’ photographs of Rottingdean.  Many of the earlier photographs have never been published before having long been stored in family albums.  I highly recommend this book to any of you who would like to see the Rottingdean of our ancestors.  The book is available direct from the publisher, Amberley Publishing, or, I believe, from Amazon.co.uk.

Douglas has been working on a companion volume to the Rottingdean book entitled ‘East Brighton & Ovingdean Through Time’ which, according to the Amazon web site, will be available from 1st September.  I know that this book will feature some photographs of Black Rock Farm and, as Douglas puts it, “the Cowley contingent in Ovingdean post-Black Rock”.  I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!

Despite his undoubtedly busy life Douglas has taken the time to send me loads of information about the Cowley family in Brighton for which I am most grateful.