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4 entries.
Catherine wrote on 21 March 2024
Louisa Cowley was Charles Souch mother. When she remarried Charles went to The Olde Bunn Shoppe but I didn't realise he was working for the family. Good to join the dots.
L. Cowley wrote on 18 February 2023
Great information and pictures. Thank you for all the work!
Lisa walker wrote on 14 February 2023
I enjoy reading the history of 9 pool valley as my mother grew up there when my grandparents owned it. They ran a bakery and cafe/shop at the premises till about the mid 1960's.
Peter wrote on 5 October 2022
No-one ever wants to be the first to write an entry in a Guestbook on a website. so let me start! If you have enjoyed reading about the Cowley family history please make a comment or get in touch.